MongoDB 3.0.6 在 8 月 20 日发布了 RC1 和 RC2 版本,估计很快就会正式发布,现在 dl 上已经提供 Windows 版本的下载: 。暂未找到相关说明。
同时还发布了 MongoDB 3.1.7 版本,这是开发版本,不建议在生产环境使用。
clusterManager role does not have permission for adding tag ranges
$sort stage in aggregation doesn’t call scoped connections done ()
runcating a capped collection may not unindex deleted documents in WiredTiger
Seg Fault on cloneCollection (specifically gridfs)
Excessive memory allocated by WiredTiger journal
Fatal error calling createIndex with 2dsphere
MMap memory mapped file address allocation code cannot handle addresses non-aligned to memory mapped granularity size
Mongo shell should report that subprograms exited with non-zero exit code if they die
转载请注明:苏demo的别样人生 » MongoDB 3.0.6 Windows 版 下载