1、约会迟到Being late on appointments
Stop wasting time of other people. Not only are you giving a bad image out of yourself, you are also showing that you ignore the other person’s timetables completely。
Adjust your own schedule to, for example, 15 minutes earlier, so that you keep the appointment without any delay。
2、该问时保持沉默Staying quiet when you should ask
工作遇到问题,做不下去了,就该去请教别人!不懂就问,这不傻。相反,有问题不问的人才傻。When you are stuck and you are not able to move forward with your task, speak up! It’s not silly to ask a question if you don’t know – rather, the person who doesn’t ask for help is silly。
3、虎头蛇尾Starting a task but not finishing
Too many people start a task and never finish it. The task may get postponed sometimes because of the reasons that are not dependent of you. But in majority times this is not the case and it is your responsibility to finish the task。
Make a plan on how to tackle the task: Break it into smaller pieces and execute your plan on a daily basis. Eventually you realize that the task is done and you feel very good about yourself!
4、工作疲劳导致精力不集中Working tired
When you work tired, you are not able to focus on your work as well as if you were fully refreshed。
If you feel tired, ponder yourself if you get enough sleep at night and adjust your sleeping time accordingly。
Also, you can take a quick 15-20 minute nap to refresh yourself. Powernap is a great way to restart your day。
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